Sunday, September 28, 2008
Application of Animal Farm to the Obama Democrats
Thursday, September 11, 2008
President Bush deserves credit for keeping us safe.
America must never forget September 11, 2001. This was not the beginning of a war against radical Islam, but rather, a long continuation of a war by radical Islamists against the West. As much as Bill Clinton claims that the 1990s were a time period of "peace," in reality, it was a time of war, but one in which we were continously hit and failed to respond. This only further emboldened our enemies.
The response to September 11--against Afghanistan, the sanctuary for Osama bin Ladin, and against Iraq (which has been the cause célèbre for the terrorists), has proven to be a remarkable success. "Success," of course, is defined by an absence of terrorism on U.S. soil. Since September 11, there has not been another major terrorist attack on U.S. soil. This is not due to a conversion of radical Islamists. They still hate us. And they still would do us harm. But the fact that they have been unable to, despite their intentions, suggests that whatever counter measures that President Bush has implemented have served the objective well. President Bush deserves kudos on this seventh anniversary of the radical Islamic war against the West, and specifically, the United States of America.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Democrats hate American Institutions.
When was the last time a Democrat ever supported any of the above? Perhaps Thomas Jefferson. Democrats today do not believe in liberty. Liberty means to have the power to act in one's own self-interest, so long as one does not harm the liberty of another. That is not what liberals stand for. Liberals today stand for controls, restraints, shackles, regulations, contradictory and subjective laws, and a judicial branch that can change the law as a matter of whim.
Liberals also do not believe in the ability to pursue happiness. Not at all. The liberals are upset with the achievers, the ones who have been able to elevate themselves within society. Instead, the liberals want to punish the achievers through theft and provide it to the incompetent and the lazy. That is not what this country was founded upon on any level. Thus, the Democrat Party is based upon the destruction of American society as it is presently constituted, with a desire to remake it in its own socialist image. That is the truth.