Republicans in Congress have introduced legislation to repeal the government takeover of the American health care industry. This is exactly the right approach. Socialist health care cannot be 'reformed' or 'fixed.' If any part of the law were to remain in tact, it would suggest that Republicans agree philosophically with Democrats that certain industries ought to be run by the government. That would be a disaster politically as well as philosophically. Millions of Americans know that the US Constitution does not grant Congress the power to force Americans to buy insurance, to run insurance companies, or to force employers to offer coverage. Americans will reward Republicans for standing opposed to socialist health care and insisting that health care is a private matter left up to millions of patients and the doctors who serve them.
The socialist health care law must be abolished completely, and only then, after the bad law has been repealed, is it possible to write new legislation that enables citizens to buy insurance across state lines, remove health insurance mandates that result in higher prices, institute tort reform, expand health savings accounts, and remove the employer tax subsidy so that consumers have the incentive to purchase health insurance on their own.
You consider a gift of 32 million new customers to the greedy for-profit insurance industry to be "socialist"? I have to wonder what English dictionary you're reading.…