Tuesday, January 06, 2009

UCLA doctor blames American values for health care problems.

I have always found it ironic how some of the most anti-American commentators reside in America. A UCLA doctor has stated that "American values" are a major reason why there are problems in our health care system. Interestingly, the doctor accurately describes what American values are: "Americans prize individual choice and resist limiting care," says Nuwer, a professor of clinical neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. [emphasis added] Apparently, the good doctor believes that individual choice and opposition to rationing is something that is problematic to our health care system. It is clear that statists like this doctor believe that you should not have any choice whatsoever with regard to life and death decisions like health, and that the government ought to ration one's care, too.

Apparently the doctor did not realize that his statements were public, because he made quite a dramatic admission. ""We [in other words, the American people, as a whole] believe that if doctors can treat very ill patients aggressively and keep every moment of people in the last stages of life under medical care, then they should. We choose to hold these values. Consequently, we choose to have a more expensive system than Europe or Canada."

In other words, if the ill were just left to die instead of treated by a doctor, it would enable for far less costly expenditures. Of course, this doctor is even referring to patients who pay out of their own pocket or have their own private insurance to pay for their care while they are "very ill." Of course, under a socialist healthcare system, rationing would be made by the government, and if it applied the values of this good doctor, it probably would believe that the "very ill" are too expensive to treat. After all, "we choose" to value life by paying for health care. Don't you know it is so much cheaper to give people inferior care and just let them die if they are very ill?

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